Changes And Developments In The Mother During Pregnancy
Expecting a baby is not just about the baby growing your womb, it’s also about all the changes you go through with your body.
Expecting a baby is not just about the baby growing your womb, it’s also about all the changes you go through with your body.
Expecting a baby is not just about the baby growing your womb, it’s also about all the changes you go through with your body. The body, like a well-oiled machine, can adjust to its new status, and change and develops according to the mother’s and baby’s requirements. These changes can sometimes cause stress and discomfort in the mother but again sometimes the expectant mother won’t even notice them happening.
These discomforts usually make their presence known at the beginning and end of the pregnancy. From this aspect the pregnancy is divided into 3 stages:
First Stage: Is the adjustment period. This covers the first 3 months of the pregnancy. The pregnancy settles in and in the meantime, the body reacts against changes, sometimes severely sometimes not, until the necessary adjustments are made.
Second Stage: Is the period of balance. The mother’s body and baby are now adjusted to each other. The discomforts are generally over. This goes on until the 7th month.
Third Stage: This period covers the last 3 months of the pregnancy. As the baby grows and develops, he/she starts causing discomfort in the organs surrounding her. This stage is the mother’s resting period.
Discomforts frequently observed in pregnancy:
Nausea: It is very common and sometimes accompanied by vomiting. 50% of expectant mothers experience nausea. It starts around the third week of pregnancy and it rarely continues after the fourth month.
Discomforts of the stomach: Acid indigestion and heartburn are very common complaints. These occur at the beginning of the pregnancy and can continue until delivery.
Constipation: Constipation is another common ailment of pregnancy. The reason behind this is the enlargement of the uterus that prevents the normal functioning of bowels.
Diarrhoea: In case of diarrhoea, do not attempt to take any medication and consult your doctor.
Excessive saliva discharge: This condition is observed together with nausea and causes frequent swallowing due to excessive discharge of saliva.
Dizziness and palpitations: Dizziness and palpitations commonly occur at the beginning of pregnancy. These types of conditions are typically due to anaemia, which is quite common in pregnancy.
Shortness of breath: This condition usually occurs in the second half of the pregnancy. As the uterus grows, it starts filling the abdominal cavity applying pressure on the ribcage causing shortness of breath.
Cramps: Cramps in the legs and hips usually occur at night. Cramps are usually due to the deficiency of vitamin B in the body.
Aches and pains in the kidneys and back: These pains can be felt after the fifth month of pregnancy. It happens when the expectant mother leans back in her posture to compensate for her growing tummy as the baby grows inside the womb. Pregnancy exercises are usually beneficial in alleviating this condition.
Sleepiness and Insomnia: At the beginning of the pregnancy, the expectant mother feels a great need to sleep. In the last months of the pregnancy however, he/she cannot get much sleep due to the movements of the baby, cramps, and kidney and back pains.
Discharge: The discharge observed during pregnancy can be a sign of a problem with the genital organs. You may need to consult your doctor.
Varicose veins and hemorrhoids: This condition can occur as a result of blood circulation disorder and changes in hormones. Frequent breaks taken during the day whereby you elevate your legs would benefit this condition.
Stretch Marks: These are pinkish lines that gradually develop on the skin with the growth of the baby.
They turn white after birth and become permanent.
Oedema: Too much water is required for the development of the baby. Sometimes water absorbency of the tissues increase and they start storing excess water. Therefore instead of being expelled the water accumulates under the skin. This condition is called oedema.